Kristie T's Memoirs

Location: Regina, Canada

Sunday, March 08, 2009

I'm back and yes I am indeed wearing black!

I've never been much at organizing my thoughts which is why I often balk at doing writing of any kind. It's not that I think I am a bad writer -please let me continue on in this belief- so much as how difficult I often find it to put my scattered thoughts to words. Perhaps my difficulty stems from endeavoring to to write as though to amuse others. On the other hand maybe from lack of subject matter as i do lead- though satisfying enough to me- what may seem to others a boring life.

Hello my name is Kristie and I am a truck driver and as such spend most of my life driving in circles and waiting. Be that as it may it isn't totally insufferable as I do manage to amuse myself in various ways ie: I read an inordinate amount of novels and have an almost limitless amount of time to devote to listening to the radio. The latter would be insufferable were it not for the advent of sirius satellite radio and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation hem... or CBC if you prefer. In particular CBC 3 being the best mix of Canadian and otherwise indie rock. This has opened up my world to new and talented artists that are all but impossible to discover through any mainstream means. Artists who are actually trying something new altogether -ok that's pretty much been established as impossible as most mediums have been tried in at least one form or another. So ok... maybe not so much new but artists that are innovating relatively new sounds. In particular I've been noticing a real recurrance of the new wave sound of the 1980's which I find quite disturbing mostly because I often find myself rocking out to some new new wave (M83 anybody?) song that could have been on the "Breakfast Club" soundtrack. When I become conscious of this behaviour I can only feel shame lol. Ok maybe not and you know why? because it's fun goddammit. Wow but do I digress.

So at the rebirth of my blog I feel obligated to announce some sort of goal or purpose. Well I refuse. What I can tell you is that I will prattle on about music (unremittedly) books and news and well whatever subject in my life is the least boring to others. The latter isn't a guarantee.